Thursday, August 1

Darn You, Pinterest!

So, Pinterest is being a royal jerk and not letting me re-pin something because it has too many characters- despite the fact that the original pin I was trying to re-pin has the SAME amount of characters, and I didn't alter it in the least.

Also, when I tried to comply with their little mind games and cut it back to under 500 characters, it STILL said I had too many characters, when I know I didn't- according to Microsoft Word (and character) Count.

So, without further ado, the very thing I wanted to pin but couldn't, because it had too many characters that I didn't want to lose.

(As a brief preface, I am in the throes of full-blown Wedding Fever, as it is summer time and I am an unmarried woman in my mid-twenties with a serious boyfriend.)

Ahem. Here you go:

This guy had the perfect vows. His vows: "I will kill the spiders. I will share my fries with you when you’ve finished all yours and are still hungry. I won’t ever pop my collar. I will never be rude to your tummy- when I hear it growl and gurgle, I promise to bend down and reply respectfully. I will eat the mushrooms when we order the supreme pizza. I will kiss the papercuts. and the door-slammed finger. and the counter-bumped hip. I’ll try my hardest not to get annoyed when you whisper questions and comments during movies. I will be the big spoon. I will let you win at wrestling. sometimes. other times I will not. I will send you random txts and leave you silly gifts. not always. not on schedule. just whenever I want to. whenever I think you need one. or seven. I will check your tire pressure. and remind you to take your car in. I will hold your hand. I will love you. I will love you. I will love you."

"This guy had the perfect vows...

'I will kill the spiders. I will share my fries with you when you’ve finished all yours and are still hungry. I won’t ever pop my collar. I will never be rude to your tummy- when I hear it growl and gurgle, I promise to bend down and reply respectfully. I will eat the mushrooms when we order the supreme pizza. I will kiss the papercuts. and the door-slammed finger. and the counter-bumped hip. I’ll try my hardest not to get annoyed when you whisper questions and comments during movies. I will be the big spoon. I will let you win at wrestling. sometimes. other times I will not. I will send you random txts and leave you silly gifts. not always. not on schedule. just whenever I want to. whenever I think you need one. or seven. I will check your tire pressure. and remind you to take your car in. I will hold your hand. I will love you. I will love you. I will love you.' "

For the rest of my obsession(s), please refer to my Pinterest boards.

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